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About Stilwell

Mitch Kuhnert

Principal Mitch Kuhnert

I'm happy to be the principal of Stilwell Junior High School. I'm here to make strong connections with our students, families, and the community. Community is a big deal for me. We want all students to feel like they're part of something special and proudly represent the Tiger tradition in their own way.

I always tell families that these years are crucial for supporting your students. They're growing up and becoming independent, but they still need adults to help them through the challenges of being a teenager. Stilwell is dedicated to working with our families to help our students get ready for high school and beyond.

Stilwell Contact Information

ADDRESS: 1601 Vine Street, West Des Moines, IA 50265-4322
PHONE: 515-633-6000 
FAX: 515-633-6099 

PRINCIPAL: Mitch Kuhnert
COUNSELORS: Brady JohnsonKelli Ladd
NURSE: Liz Horn
SECRETARIESMichelle Campos,  Ashleigh Sinclair

School Times

HOURS: 7:35 a.m.-2:35 p.m.
COLLABORATION SCHEDULE: Wednesdays 7:35 a.m.-1:50 p.m.