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Positive Behavior Intervention Support (PBIS)


Positive Behavior Intervention Support (PBIS) is a proactive approach that schools use to improve school safety and promote positive behavior. The focus of PBIS is prevention, not punishment. At its heart, PBIS calls on schools to teach students positive behavior strategies, just as they would teach about any other subject — like reading or math.

Stilwell’s Three Cornerstones

  1. Do your Best (Use Time Wisely, Positive Attitude, Ask for Help Appropriately)
  2. Do the Right Thing (Be Ready to Learn, Follow Classroom Expectations, Follow Tech)
  3. Treat others the way you want to be treated (Respectful Tone, Word Choice, Respect Space and Differences)

Our reward system is called PBIS rewards in which students receive PBIS points electronically, those points are used to purchase items or activities from our school store. Students may also be celebrating through our Tiger of the Month. Teams of teachers and students work together to recognize each other based on a specific Stilwell Cornerstone. As a building we also celebrate our teachers and students through the use of raffles.


What is Tiered Instruction?

  1. Tier 1: (Universal)- During Tiger Time, we talk about school rules, how to get along with others, understanding emotions, communication, and skills to help students do well in school.
  2. Tier 2: (Specialized)- We have some different ways to help students in smaller groups. There's check-in and check-out for individual students, circles, and restorative practices. It's just different ways we make sure everyone's doing well and feels supported.
  3. Tier 3:( Individualized) - Sometimes, we work with students one-on-one to help them with their behavior. We figure out why they're doing certain things and then teach them better ways to behave.